Software Vault: The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS 2
The Software Vault BBS Collection 2 (American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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║ dBase Files and Utilities ║
AECLIPI.ZIP 4,384 01-04-93 Find index key of DBase NDX, NTX, MDX, orIDX.
ALHNEW.ZIP 62,013 01-04-93 A collection of templates for DBase IV.
APICK.ZIP 6,768 01-04-93 Scrolling, Multiple Element Light Bar.
ARROW11.ZIP 3,962 01-04-93 A Mouse Pop-Up Arrow with Col/Row in Corner.
ATC101.ZIP 1,830 01-04-93 Find Position of Nth Occurrence Of ACharacter.
ATSAY.ZIP 1,974 01-04-93 Use @ Says to Redirect Output To Disk File.
BACKDOOR.ZIP 1,102 01-04-93 Allows Users A Temporary Password to A PRG.
BASCSTAT.ZIP 5,302 01-04-93 Statistical Compilation System forTabulation.
BAZIAN.ZIP 2,817 01-04-93 Save and Restore Arrays To/from Disk Files.
BELLTEST.ZIP 1,895 01-04-93 Plays Musical Notes Under Your Control.
BIOSM.ZIP 1,911 01-04-93 Find Out How Much Memory Your PC Has.
BITWIS.ZIP 21,562 01-04-93 Manipulate Individual Bits of ComputerMemory.
BLACKBOX.ZIP 41,897 01-04-93 Fox Routines for Pop-up Definable Windows.
BMACS.ZIP 1,338 01-04-93 Macros to Help with Screen Drawing.
BPUPICK.ZIP 13,780 01-04-93 Point & Shoot Record Picker for FoxBase >2.1.
BRIEFMAC.ZIP 5,680 01-04-93 Macros to Build Memvars & "REPLACE" for ADBF.
BRKLNCLP.ZIP 7,750 01-04-93 Load Dan Bricklin's Screens Into A DBF.
BRODEM.ZIP 27,936 01-04-93 Browse, Edit and Append DBFs.
BROWSE86.ZIP 18,150 01-04-93 Demo of An Enhanced Version Of Browse.
BROWSER2.ZIP 16,707 01-04-93 Browse UDF. Update/non-update Mode, MemoFields.
CAL5.ZIP 3,089 01-04-93 Demo of "@ Prompt To" in Nested For/nextLoop.
CAPSTR.ZIP 1,316 01-04-93 Proper Capitalization of First Letter OfWord.
CCCFUNC.ZIP 101,904 01-04-93 Financial (FV, Pmt, NPV) Date, StateValidate.
CDINDB3.ZIP 2,403 01-04-93 Carrier Detect Routines for WordTechCompiler.
CHECKCFG.ZIP 3,564 01-04-93 Check CONFIG.SYS for Files / Buffers.
CHKNDXPO.ZIP 43,906 01-04-93 Reads NDX File and Verifies Sync with DBF.
CIFUVAL.ZIP 4,224 01-04-93 Financial Calculations Includes CompoundInterest.
CLIP2WP5.ZIP 2,100 01-04-93 Translate Data From DBase to WordPerfect.
CLIPFORM.ZIP 41,280 01-04-93 PRG to Indent/Print/Optionally Number Line.
CLOSESP.ZIP 1,019 01-04-93 Close An Open 3Com 3+ LAN Spool File.
CLRSET.ZIP 19,030 03-01-93 Color Modifier for Object ProfessionalLoadable Colorsets.
CLSHADOW.ZIP 4,143 01-04-93 Create and Restore Drop-Shadow Boxes.
COLORCHG.ZIP 12,437 01-04-93 Let Users Select There Own Colors.
COLORS2.ZIP 11,807 01-04-93 Make a set color string from a color screen.
COMMAS.ZIP 5,727 01-04-93 Convert Files Delimited with " to Comma.
COMPDBF.ZIP 7,972 01-04-93 Compare Structures of Two Or More DBFs.
CONTINUE.ZIP 2,935 01-04-93 Prompt User to CONTINUE Or ABORT Operation.
CONVDB.ZIP 60,932 01-04-93 Convert ASCII Data Files to DBF.
CONVERTX.ZIP 7,442 01-04-93 DBase 3 PRG to Add Soundex To A DBF.
COPYPR.ZIP 3,067 01-04-93 Store ROM BIOS Checksum Copy in DOS SystemFile.
CREATDIR.ZIP 87,853 01-04-93 Get Valid Directory Name & Create If NotExist.
CREATFX.ZIP 6,460 01-04-93 Netware 386 3.0 FIX for "ACCESS DENIED" IfFile Exists.
CRSONOF2.ZIP 1,645 01-04-93 Enhanced Cursor On/off for All Monitors.
CSTECH.ZIP 19,301 01-04-93 DBF File of FoxPro Technical Notes.
D4DRIVER.ZIP 5,637 01-04-93 Printer Drivers for DBase IV. No Documents.
DATADICT.ZIP 106,604 01-04-93 Builds a data dictionary from DBF's.
DATADUMP.ZIP 6,280 01-04-93 Auto Wraps Fields Properly Up to 232Columns.
DATASCAN.ZIP 1,570 01-04-93 PRG Source Code From Data Based Advisor.
DATATYPE.ZIP 4,384 01-04-93 Replace Date Or Numeric Fields with 2Character Strings.
DB18.ZIP 128,996 01-04-93 View DBF Files in A BBS Door.
DB2WP.ZIP 10,388 01-04-93 Convert DBase DBF File to WP Merge Format.
DB3DIR11.ZIP 2,656 01-04-93 Put Directory Data Into A DBase III DBFFile.
DB3FKEYS.ZIP 2,560 01-04-93 Stores Function Keys to DBF File.
DB3MMPO.ZIP 2,938 01-04-93 Convert DBase III Data to WordStarMailMerge.
DB3MOUSE.ZIP 3,947 03-01-93 Use A Microsoft Mouse in DbaseIII+.
DB3NOTES.ZIP 56,102 01-04-93 Many GOOD Inside DBase Notes.
DB3P11.ZIP 1,123 01-04-93 Patch DBase III Plus to Stop Signon.
DB3PLOGO.ZIP 1,895 01-04-93 Patch DBase III to Eliminate Logo.
DB3PLUSP.ZIP 1,094 01-04-93 Shorten Opening Logo to A Few Milliseconds.
DB3PLUSU.ZIP 9,002 01-04-93 Unprotect DBase III Plus Ver 1.1.
DB3STRU4.ZIP 72,375 01-04-93 Display Structure of A DBase File From DOS.
DB3TONE.ZIP 4,261 01-04-93 Make Sounds of A Given Duration andFrequency.
DB3UNP10.ZIP 3,278 01-04-93 ZAP for Different Prolocks DB3+ V1.0.
DB3UNP11.ZIP 2,069 01-04-93 ZAP for Different Prolocks DB3+ V1.1.
DB3V110.ZIP 2,060 01-04-93 Debug Install. to Unprotect DBase III V1.1.
DB3V30.ZIP 2,698 01-04-93 Third Version. Deals with Both ProlokVersions.
DB4MAN.ZIP 315,608 03-11-93 A Dbase IV Database Program.
DB4MEMO.ZIP 2,289 01-04-93 Convert DBase IV Files with Memo to DBaseIII.
DB4RPT.ZIP 266,116 03-11-93 Dbase IV Report Writer.
DBASECOM.ZIP 8,214 01-04-93 Control comm ports in DB 3+. Use with tcomm.
DBASEDT3.ZIP 19,547 01-04-93 A text editor for your program.
DBASE_C.ZIP 11,828 01-04-93 Read, Write DB 2 Files with "C" in CP/Mode.
DBCAT.ZIP 36,559 03-12-93 DbCat allows you to manipulate CIS catalogsin dBase.
DBDBAK31.ZIP 45,723 01-04-93 Backup Huge DBFs, Format Diskettes,Diskcopy.
DBDIAL1.ZIP 5,380 01-04-93 Dial A Telephone Number with A Hayes Modem.
DBDIR8.ZIP 9,850 01-04-93 Displays Info DBase III, IV On DBF Files.
DBDMOUSE.ZIP 24,687 01-04-93 Demo Version of MSMouse Menu Interface.
DBDSCRL5.ZIP 24,845 01-04-93 New Method of Presenting DBF Data On Screen.
DBDUMP2.ZIP 9,060 01-04-93 Displays DBF Structure and Contents ofRecords.
DBEDEM.ZIP 36,403 01-04-93 Demo the Basics of The DBEDIT() Functions.
DBEDIT10.ZIP 4,961 01-04-93 A Command Line Editor for DBase II and III.
DBEXT.ZIP 11,372 01-04-93 DBase III-IV Module. Windows, ScrollScreen, Draw Boxes.
DBFLOOK.ZIP 25,935 02-21-93 Small, Fast Tool to View/Modify the Contentsof .DBF Files.
DBLIST10.ZIP 29,781 02-10-93 Utility That Lists .DBF Files in SDF, DbaseList, Etc. Forma
DBPROAPP.ZIP 85,474 01-04-93 A Callable DBase III+ Shell.
DBRANDM.ZIP 1,247 01-04-93 Algorithms for Generating Random Numbers.
DBSCREEN.ZIP 17,028 01-04-93 Saves/Restores Screens To/From Disk File.
DBSCRNPO.ZIP 6,133 01-04-93 Build DBase III Screens in the Background.
DBSM21.ZIP 216,151 01-04-93 Maintain Dictionary, Structures, andDocuments.
DBSW.ZIP 20,479 01-04-93 Change DBase Commands to Upper/Lower Text.
DBTCK133.ZIP 24,153 01-04-93 Diagnose/Repair Dbase 3, 3+, and 4 MemoFiles.
DBTCK151.ZIP 23,901 01-04-93 PRG to Check & Fix MEMO Problems in DBASE.
DBTOMM.ZIP 2,271 01-04-93 Use DBase 2/3 Files in Multimate Mailmerge.
DBTREE3.ZIP 18,421 01-04-93 Produce An Indented Tree of All DBase PRGFiles.
DBTRIEVE.ZIP 94,897 01-04-93 Program Does Weighted Retrieval of "NearFit".
DBU161.ZIP 64,457 01-04-93 WordTech QS. Lists All Files Used in A Tree.
DBUNIQUE.ZIP 71,921 01-04-93 Locates Duplicate Records in A DBF.
DBUTIL.ZIP 101,918 01-04-93 A Collection of Compiled MS-C 4.0 Routines.
DBVIEW14.ZIP 31,503 01-04-93 A Simple Stand Alone DBF File Viewer.
DBVIEW20.ZIP 73,740 04-11-93 DBVIEW v2.0: DOS database file viewer fordBASE III+/IV/FoxP
DBX100.ZIP 8,658 01-04-93 Convert DB3 Files to Comma Delimited Files.
DCHOICE.ZIP 8,858 01-04-93 Select Items From Array Presented On Screen.
DCRUNC95.ZIP 12,499 01-04-93 Compact DBase Code, Trims, 4 LetterCommands.
DCRUNCH.ZIP 6,971 01-04-93 Trims DBase Code. Speeds Operations.
DCTORD.ZIP 3,922 01-04-93 Convert String to True Dictionary Order.
DDIAL.ZIP 1,558 01-04-93 Dail A Phone Using A Hayes Compatible Modem.
DEBBI.ZIP 24,916 01-04-93 Use 3270 Emulation Board to Exchange Data.
DEBUGDB2.ZIP 5,507 01-04-93 PRG Source for PRG Indenter/bug Finder.
DED341.ZIP 1,242 01-04-93 O_ASIZE Function Using Buffered File I/O.
DEVELOP.ZIP 3,048 01-04-93 Outputs Standard PRG Header Into PRG File.
DEXPERT.ZIP 9,821 01-04-93 A DBF Based Text Management System. HELP!.
DFREQ.ZIP 10,831 01-04-93 Frequency / Cross Tabs for User SelectedFields.
DIALDEMO.ZIP 8,781 01-04-93 Dial Phone Number with DOS INT Function.
DIF14.ZIP 33,631 01-04-93 Convert ASCII Text Into Comma Delimited.
DIFOUT.ZIP 2,928 01-04-93 DBase to DIF File Conversion.
DINDENT.ZIP 10,532 01-04-93 DBase II, III Source Code Indenter.
DINDENTC.ZIP 13,551 01-04-93 DBASE Source Code Indenter.
DINFO4.ZIP 296,850 03-11-93 Dbase Utility.
DIRDBF.ZIP 7,399 01-04-93 Create DBF Files with Directory List AsRecords.
DIREXIST.ZIP 2,328 01-04-93 Determine If A Directory Exists.
DIRINX.ZIP 7,391 01-04-93 Display Index Files and Keys From DOSPrompt.
DIRSEEK.ZIP 4,073 01-04-93 Pick Files From A Menu Or Picklist.
DIRX.ZIP 7,502 01-04-93 Create A DBase III DBF of Filenames inCurent Directory.
DISKREAD.ZIP 1,576 01-04-93 Check drive A, B, C, or D for ready state.
DISKSPAC.ZIP 2,127 01-04-93 Check free disk space.
DISMLR.ZIP 7,857 01-04-93 Map field names between the two DBFs.
DISPREC.ZIP 1,840 01-04-93 Display Record, Move Previous / Next.
DMSCOLOR.ZIP 115,028 01-04-93 Program to Help Select Screen Colors.
DOTS.ZIP 1,062 01-04-93 Control Trailing Characters in A String indBase.
DPAINT.ZIP 14,180 01-04-93 Screen Generator and Painter for DBase.
DPROG131.ZIP 146,989 01-04-93 Code Generator for DBase III Screens.
DQ20.ZIP 67,008 01-04-93 Generate Complex Queries for DBase 2,3,3+,4.
DSEARC.ZIP 45,725 01-04-93 For DBase III We Have DSEARCH, DEDIT &DCOUNT.
DSMEM13.ZIP 25,338 01-04-93 Memory Resident Version of the DScarProgram.
ENCODE.ZIP 3,544 01-04-93 A Password Encryption Program Protects YourComputer.
ERRHIST.ZIP 1,583 01-04-93 Demonstrates Use of the ON ERROR Command.
EXAMMEM.ZIP 2,911 01-04-93 Description of DBase MEM File Structure.
EXBOXES.ZIP 7,094 01-04-93 Display Exploding Boxes, Imploding Screen.
EXTRACT.ZIP 1,367 01-04-93 Perform wild card search on characterfields.
EXTRACTF.ZIP 29,963 01-04-93 Extracts Functions and Procedures FromDBase.
EZDBASE.ZIP 46,905 01-04-93 Screen Generator for DBase II and III.
EZSEARCH.ZIP 121,138 01-04-93 Add, Edit, View and Search dBase Records.
FASTPACK.ZIP 13,458 01-04-93 Pack DBase III+ and IV Files Faster.
FDF19B.ZIP 34,658 01-04-93 Indents & Checks DBASE Language Source Code.
FILESP.ZIP 4,488 01-04-93 Parse and Verify Users Path/Filename Input.
FILEXFER.ZIP 1,712 01-04-93 Copy A DBF File to Floppy Disk in SDFFormat.
FINFUNC.ZIP 2,263 01-04-93 Calculate Loan Payments, PV, Term, FV, Etc.
FIRSTCAP.ZIP 5,085 01-04-93 Capitalizes the First Letter of Words.
FIXDBASE.ZIP 11,309 01-04-93 Checks Data in A DB3+ DBF for Consistency.
FLAG2.ZIP 7,350 01-04-93 Locate Probable Duplicate Records in A DBF.
FLGEN.ZIP 20,058 01-04-93 Merge DBF Fields Into A Form Letter.
FLIPSTR.ZIP 2,340 01-04-93 Reverses Up to A 60 Character String.
FLOATDLR.ZIP 1,479 01-04-93 Right Justify, Float the Dollar Sign andInsert Commas.
FNKLST12.ZIP 16,953 01-04-93 List All Functions/Procs Used in A PRG File.
FOXSCRL.ZIP 21,031 01-04-93 Method of Presenting Data On Screen.
FRM2PR23.ZIP 16,994 01-04-93 Converts DBase III FRM Files to PRG Code.
FSEEK.ZIP 1,643 01-04-93 S'87, Advanced 'SEEK" Capabilities AcrossMultiple DBFs.
FUNCMESS.ZIP 1,774 01-04-93 Several Message Lines with A Y/N Response.
FUNCTLST.ZIP 47,423 01-04-93 Norton Guides Directory for Boatswain'sMate.
FUVAL.ZIP 3,809 01-04-93 Calculate Interest Rates, Periods, Payments,FV.
FWDB.ZIP 2,064 01-04-93 How to - Framework To DBase Data Conversion.
GENDBF.ZIP 3,553 01-04-93 Creates A FoxBase + DBF From Nothing.
GENIMP.ZIP 11,424 01-04-93 Import/Export of ASCII Text To/From DBFswith Various Delims
GETCALC.ZIP 2,005 01-04-93 Format Numbers and Do Calculations On Gets.
GETKEYS.ZIP 1,175 01-04-93 Extract the Index Key From An Index File.
GETVALID.ZIP 13,255 01-04-93 Full Screen Data Entry Validation.
HANDLES.ZIP 1,671 01-04-93 Print Number of Available DOS File Handlesin DBase.
HELPSAMP.ZIP 4,518 01-04-93 How to Have Windowed Help with QS and DBXL.
HOTDIAL.ZIP 1,413 01-04-93 Dial Numbers with Hayes Modem inQuicksilver.
HPPLOT11.ZIP 6,437 01-04-93 Functions to Control An HP7475A Plotter.
INDXKEY2.ZIP 3,919 01-04-93 Read Index Files and Display KeyExpressions.
INFDB.ZIP 3,111 01-04-93 Convert Informix Files to the DBase IIIFormat.
INTEGRIT.ZIP 1,547 01-04-93 Check the Integrity of An Index File.
ISINSERT.ZIP 1,909 01-04-93 Determines the Status of The INS Key.
ISPRIN.ZIP 2,516 01-04-93 Check the Status of Any LPT Device.
JKGRAPH.ZIP 40,155 01-04-93 Display Line, Bar, and Other Graphs From DBFFiles.
JULIANCL.ZIP 2,377 01-04-93 Convert Dates to and From Julian Format.
KEYLOCK3.ZIP 1,001 01-04-93 Set Capslock and NumLock State to On AndOff.
KEYPRESS.ZIP 3,277 01-04-93 Do Character By Character Validation OnField.
LANPROC.ZIP 7,360 01-04-93 FoxBase+ Source Code for Multiuser AppendsFrom Remotes.
LBARGEN.ZIP 14,652 01-04-93 Lightbar Menu Generator in Turbo Pascal.
LBARMENU.ZIP 2,352 01-04-93 Light Bar Menu Program. Sample Source Code.
LBLANOM.ZIP 14,568 01-04-93 Fix for DBASE IV Label Generator.
LIB194.ZIP 260,880 02-18-93 DBASE Users Function Library V1.94.
LINECNT.ZIP 19,890 01-04-93 Counts Number of Lines/Comments in PRGFiles.
LISTDBF.ZIP 14,081 01-04-93 Writes Selected Fields to ASCII Text File.
LISTSTRU.ZIP 9,542 01-04-93 Display Structure of DBase III/IV DBF File.
LJMACRO.ZIP 5,951 01-04-93 Manage LaserJet Macros and Overlays.Tutorial.
LOGO1A.ZIP 2,247 01-04-93 Display A Series of Overlapping Boxes.
LOOKDBED.ZIP 1,478 01-04-93 Lookup Data in A Second DBF Using DbEdit.
LOWLVLIO.ZIP 4,055 01-04-93 Display Updating Graphs with Copy Or Print.
LSTGRF.ZIP 9,846 01-04-93 Documents QuickSilver/dbXL Graph From DOS.
LTRUTL.ZIP 61,323 01-04-93 Creates Form Letters Directly From DBFFiles.
MAC3.ZIP 2,177 01-04-93 Recall and Edit Last 10 DBase III Commands.
MAKDBF.ZIP 4,697 01-04-93 Creates All DBFs Needed From A Master DBF.
MAKELINK.ZIP 36,729 01-04-93 Creates MAK, LNK, and compile BAT from theSNAP.
MAKENDX.ZIP 10,259 01-04-93 Create DBase III+ index files from DOS.
MAKEPROC.ZIP 20,134 01-04-93 Generates Procedures Based On DBF File.
MAKLNK.ZIP 2,409 01-04-93 Creates A MAK and LNK File Without Overlays.
MARGIN.ZIP 3,333 01-04-93 Prints a string with hi bits stripped.
MAXPRINT.ZIP 1,430 01-04-93 Use the Inkey Function to Pause PrintingJobs.
MBARS.ZIP 4,571 01-04-93 A Lotus-like Bar Benu Program Generator.
MCAV.ZIP 1,648 01-04-93 Array Variables Containing the DBFStructure.
MDX10.ZIP 7,123 01-04-93 Lists structure of DBase IV MDX Files.
MDXFIX12.ZIP 9,020 01-04-93 Modifies Header of DBase IV MDX Files.
MEMO2CHR.ZIP 6,278 01-04-93 Convert memo fields into DBF of "C" Strings.
MEMOFIX.ZIP 7,660 01-04-93 Allows 70 Column Printing of Memo Fields.
MEMOPACK.ZIP 1,951 01-04-93 Self Contained Memo Field Packer.
MEMOSH.ZIP 11,382 01-04-93 Display Memo in A Window Without Memoedit().
MEMREP.ZIP 2,709 01-04-93 Initialize/Replace Mem Variables From DBF.
MEMTEST2.ZIP 3,840 01-04-93 Test Handling of Memory Variables, Arrays.
MENGEN.ZIP 93,333 01-04-93 Create Light-Bar Menus for DBase III+.
MENTEM2.ZIP 23,804 01-04-93 Two menu front ends generated from Wallsoft.
MENUBIN.ZIP 12,080 01-04-93 DBase III-IV Professional Looking Menus.
MENUFNCT.ZIP 3,632 01-04-93 A Ring Menu System for QuickSilver Compiler.
MERGER.ZIP 63,409 01-04-93 Do Simple Mailmerges with A RUN Command.
MKINVDIR.ZIP 5,128 01-04-93 Creates Hidden Subdirectory.
MOLABEL.ZIP 2,258 01-04-93 Menu Driven Label Printer.
MULCO303.ZIP 67,752 03-22-93 Program creates multiple column listingsfrom ASCII text.
MULMENU.ZIP 2,290 01-04-93 A Menu System From Nantucket News.
NEWCBIN.ZIP 20,417 01-04-93 Do Generalized Interrupt and BIOS Calls.
NEWHEADB.ZIP 1,296 01-04-93 BASIC Routine to Repair A DB3 File Header.
NGCLONE.ZIP 32,942 01-04-93 A Good Shareware Clone of the Norton GuideViewer.
NGDD12.ZIP 19,681 01-04-93 A Decompiler for Norton Guides Databases.
NG_CXL51.ZIP 81,473 01-04-93 Norton Guide Database for CXL FunctionLibrary.
NLFIX2.ZIP 3,117 01-04-93 Fix for NetLib Problems When Spooling.
NTX2DBF.ZIP 6,270 01-04-93 Make Each NTX Store the Name of Its DBFFile.
NTXMET.ZIP 2,183 01-04-93 Put A Progress Bar On Screen As You INDEXON.
NUMLOK.ZIP 1,299 01-04-93 BIN Routines for DBase III.
OKDOSNAM.ZIP 1,311 01-04-93 Expand and Verify A DOS File Name.
OLYMPIA.ZIP 1,033 01-04-93 FoxPRO's SYS(1), SYS(10), and SYS(11) inDB4.
ONERROR.ZIP 7,038 01-04-93 An Error Handler for DBase III+Applications.
OPNMODES.ZIP 3,003 01-04-93 Demo the Different DOS File Open Modes.
OUTFILE.ZIP 88,299 01-04-93 Convert DBF to Flat File with Choice ofDelim.
PACKER.ZIP 23,530 01-04-93 Two Faster DBF Packers. FastPack and Packit.
PACKNTX.ZIP 7,964 01-04-93 Templates to Pack and Index DBF Files.
PARTIN.ZIP 8,236 01-04-93 Build Index of Selected Records in DBF.
PASSWD.ZIP 12,522 01-04-93 Password Maintenance Program with PRGSource.
PCWFKEY.ZIP 1,183 01-04-93 Improve Use of DBase III Function Keys.
PDSCROLL.ZIP 16,991 01-04-93 Generic Scrolling Pick-list Routines.
PFLIST.ZIP 27,531 01-04-93 Generate A List of Proc/Func From A MAKFile.
PLAYS.ZIP 4,975 01-04-93 Plays Back Keystrokes From A Macro.
PLUSUTIL.ZIP 1,980 01-04-93 Source for Indenter and Documentor.
POLISH.ZIP 8,634 01-04-93 Collection of simple date and timefunctions.
POPCALC6.ZIP 11,371 01-04-93 Pop-up Calculator for DBase IV, with PRGSource.
POPGEN.ZIP 19,605 01-04-93 Format file template for DBase IV by Nason.
PRE307.ZIP 52,827 01-04-93 A Preprocessor for DBase.
PRGFMT.ZIP 12,563 01-04-93 Program That Will Indent DBase Source Code.
PRINMEMO.ZIP 1,186 01-04-93 Writes Memo Field to An ASCII File.
PRINTIT.ZIP 1,988 01-04-93 Use Two DBF's to Print ASCII Text Files.
PRNTCHK.ZIP 2,405 01-04-93 Check Printer Status in DBase II, III, III+.
PRNTEST.ZIP 1,222 01-04-93 Build A Printer Status Checker.
PRNULL.ZIP 1,081 01-04-93 Source to Allow Sending Chr(0) To Printer.
PRTSETUP.ZIP 2,620 01-04-93 Store Printer Control Codes to A MEM File.
PSTRU.ZIP 2,346 01-04-93 Select Multiple DBFs with AChoice().
QB3DB.ZIP 51,150 01-04-93 QuickBASIC Library for Interfacing withDBase.
QBASE11.ZIP 110,175 01-04-93 Quick/Intuitive Query Reporting of DBFFiles.
QBM100.ZIP 9,302 01-04-93 Let Users Determine What They Want inReports.
QSMA11.ZIP 11,202 01-04-93 A Make Utility for QuickSilver Compiler.
QSUDFS.ZIP 6,196 01-04-93 25 QuickSilver UDFs: Expand, Fldcount,Header, Isunique, Etc
QUICKFIX.ZIP 101,381 01-04-93 Repair Corrupted DBase III DBF Files.
RANDOMDB.ZIP 4,052 01-04-93 Generate Random Numbers. PRG Source.
READDBF.ZIP 24,225 01-04-93 C Source to Display Contents of Any DBFFile.
REDENT2.ZIP 13,225 01-04-93 DBase Source Code Indentor Written in DBase.
RELAX.ZIP 63,743 01-04-93 File Backup and Recovery System Usind DBF.
REPANOM.ZIP 31,936 01-04-93 Fix for DBASE IV Report Generator.
REPORT.ZIP 5,720 01-04-93 Store Report Specifications in A DBF File.
ROLLSCRN.ZIP 1,549 01-04-93 Scroll A Rectangular Part of the Screen.
ROZ.ZIP 23,317 01-04-93 Creat Templates for WallSoft's UIProgrammer.
RPT_HEAD.ZIP 1,586 01-04-93 Add A 4 Line Header to Beginning of Reports.
RRPRN.ZIP 1,326 01-04-93 How to Get Printer From R&R.CNF File.
S9301.ZIP 9,561 02-03-93 Dbase Advisor Source Code - Jan 93.
SCALE.ZIP 2,788 01-04-93 DBXL / QuickSilver Access to External Ports.
SCR2MEM.ZIP 25,383 01-04-93 Take A Snapshot of the Screen to A DiskFile.
SCRLBOX.ZIP 11,188 01-04-93 Show A Scrolling Window of Records to User.
SCROLL10.ZIP 4,121 01-04-93 Scroll Text Across Screen Like A Billboards.
SDF2DB.ZIP 14,690 01-04-93 Convert An SDF File to A DBF File.
SEARCH21.ZIP 37,222 01-04-93 Creates A Tree Including Labels and Reports.
SELFLDS.ZIP 3,020 01-04-93 Picklist for An Array of Character Strings.
SENATOR.ZIP 16,018 01-06-93 Dbase Compatible Files Listing All Senators,Addresses, Etc.
SERIALNO.ZIP 12,557 01-04-93 Put S/N Into Applications Without Recompile.
SFYESNO.ZIP 1,333 01-04-93 Very Elaborate Y/N Query/response Function.
SHOOT11.ZIP 9,974 01-04-93 Point and Shoot From A Data Base File.
SHOWRECS.ZIP 1,537 01-04-93 Print A Formatted List of the Contents OfDBF.
SHOWTIME.ZIP 11,272 01-04-93 A UI Dot Prompt Interpretor.
SIDEWAYS.ZIP 2,944 01-04-93 Print DBase Reports Up to 500 Columns Wide.
SIMULTAN.ZIP 1,135 01-04-93 Solve Up to 10 Simultaneous LinearEquations.
SLR2AX.ZIP 55,946 01-04-93 Crippled Version of Scan-Alyzer Documentor.
SNAP402D.ZIP 247,094 01-04-93 Documentation System for DBase Programs.
SNPKEY.ZIP 23,347 01-04-93 Key Word Lists for SNAP! 4.01 Documentor.
SOFTC113.ZIP 116,729 01-04-93 Turbo C Library for DBase DBF and NDX Files.
SORTSRC.ZIP 7,262 01-04-93 Performe Bubble Sorts On Arrays.
SPLITIT.ZIP 2,867 01-04-93 Split A Name String Into First, Middle,Last.
SQRT.ZIP 1,265 01-04-93 Calculate the Square Roots of Numbers.
STCHECK.ZIP 5,683 01-04-93 Check States/Canadian Provinces forValidity.
STEPBACK.ZIP 6,337 01-04-93 Converts DBase IV Files Back to DBase III.
STRFUN.ZIP 12,613 01-04-93 Get Delimited Fields Or "Tokens" FromStrings.
STRINGS.ZIP 2,744 01-04-93 Encryption/Cconversion of ForeignCharacters.
STRUCOMP.ZIP 4,088 01-04-93 Compare the Structures of DBFs.
SUBSET.ZIP 2,370 01-04-93 Create A Subset of An NTX File.
SUB_SET.ZIP 1,971 01-04-93 Create A Subset of An NTX File.
SUPERFMT.ZIP 3,179 01-04-93 Allows Data Entry Gets On Multiple Screens.
SUPRWRDS.ZIP 1,604 01-04-93 Keyword File for SNAP! 4.01 By W. Kennamer.
SWAPPER.ZIP 6,277 01-04-93 A "RUN" Command with Nearly All 640K Free.
SWAPSCRN.ZIP 1,231 01-04-93 Write Screens to Alternate Pages of Memory.
SWITCH26.ZIP 28,470 01-04-93 Now Sold As "Hold Everything" By SMS.
SYUNI2.ZIP 1,063 01-04-93 See If Values in An Index File Are Unique.
T3TILI.ZIP 6,250 01-04-93 Source for Network Appends, File Opens, Etc.
TAGIT.ZIP 4,276 01-04-93 Display An Array and Let User Tag Items.
TALLY3.ZIP 2,430 01-04-93 Takes A Count of Entries in Selected Fields.
TBASEE.ZIP 250,399 01-04-93 Put .PCX Images On A Text Screen with DBase.
TDBAR.ZIP 3,351 01-04-93 Prints CODE 39 BARCodes On An HP LaserjetII.
TESTBOX.ZIP 6,112 01-04-93 A Way of Picking Colors in An Application.
THELIB23.ZIP 44,229 01-04-93 Variety of S'87 UDFs. Docs and LIB Included.
TPCBLINT.ZIP 3,608 01-04-93 Now, Eight Background (Hi Intensity) Colors.
TPCCHFN.ZIP 2,437 01-04-93 Change A Fieldname in A DBF Without Rewrite.
TPCDBTEM.ZIP 2,714 01-04-93 Create A Template DBF File On the Fly.
TPCFDBR.ZIP 2,743 01-04-93 Fade Or Brighten Areas of the Screen.
TPCKEYBL.ZIP 1,898 01-04-93 DBase/FoxBase BIN - Turn Keyboard Off/On.
TPCRBOOT.ZIP 1,764 01-04-93 DBase/FoxBase BIN - Warm Or Cold Boot of PC.
TPCWRAP.ZIP 3,895 01-04-93 DBase/FoxBase BIN - Implement Wordwrap.
TRH4FOX.ZIP 79,349 01-04-93 Pop-up Online Help for FoxPRO.
TRYVAL.ZIP 1,938 01-04-93 Demonstration of Inkey and ReadvarFunctions.
T_CLIP.ZIP 1,772 01-04-93 Reverse the Order of Characters in A String.
UGRAPH.ZIP 3,479 01-04-93 Generate Bar/Scatter Graphs From DBF Data.
UIGENLOK.ZIP 18,633 01-04-93 A New Zooming General SeARCh Option Window.
UINIT.ZIP 1,781 01-04-93 Creates Database and Indexes If Not Present.